Another place of utmost importance in an organization is a Briefing Room. It is an appointed place where people assemble to receive instructions and particulars about a task or a mission to be undertaken by them. Such a room can be seen being used not only in Corporate world but also in places like Military Operations Hubs. This appointed space ensures that people gathered there keep their focus on communication being conveyed, without getting disturbed or distracted and all of them receive the same information and thus the instructions are clearly understood by all.
Since every one comes together, it gets easier for person giving briefing to explain it in one go which saves a lot of time as compared to, if same instructions were to be given individually. This of course enhances the efficiency of the briefing. There is another advantage that since all come along in a group , it promotes questioning and seeking clarifications ensuring that all are on same page and the collaboration is fruitful. The information thus shared by all helps in formulating a strategic approach towards the mission to be undertaken or the job to be completed. In circumstances where security is paramount, a Briefing Room makes sure that everyone has understood the prospects and the approach and procedures to be adopted for achieving their goal.